The Eastern Veil Nebula

The Eastern Veil Nebula

The Eastern Veil Nebula
(June 23, 2001)

This is a CCD image of a portion of the Veil Nebula (NGC6992). The Veil Nebula was discovered visually by William Herschel in 1784 with his 18-inch reflecting telescope. The visible portions of the Veil Nebula appear to be segments of an expanding gas cloud. The gas cloud is believed to be the remnant of a supernova explosion, possibly 30,000 to 40,000 years ago. According to Burnham's Celestial Handbook, the nebula is approximately 1500 light-years away. The Veil Nebula is expanding into a dusty region of space, and is sweeping up the interstellar material that it encounters. The expansion of the gas cloud into the interstellar dust probably creates a shock-front phenomenon that accounts for the formation of the filaments seen in this photograph.

This image was taken at the Sunglow Ranch, near Pearce, Arizona. Located in southeastern Arizona, the Sunglow Ranch enjoys very dark skies and caters to amateur astronomers. The staff was very friendly to me every time I stayed there. I highly recommend the place to fellow amateur astronomers.

This is an RGB composite image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a CFW-8 color filter wheel. The images were taken through a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus operating at f7. Guiding was accomplished using the built-in ST-8 autoguider. Image acquisition and processing were performed using MaxIm DL/CCD software.

NGC 6992
Constellation: Cygnus
RA: 20h 56m 28.2s Dec: +31d 43' 12"
June 23, 2001
Image by Sid Leach
Sunglow Ranch, Arizona

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