M20 The Trifid Nebula. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with the Schulman 32-inch telescope on the summit of Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter on July 2, 2016. (1.1MB)
NGC 6781 planetary nebula. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with the Schulman 32-inch telescope on the summit of Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter on July 3, 2016. (1.4MB)
IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with the Schulman 32-inch telescope on the summit of Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter on July 2, 2016. (1.1MB)
IC 1318 The Gamma Cygni Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an STL-11000M CCD. (May 29 & 30, 2011) (845KB)
M1 The Crab Nebula. A color composite CCD image taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter with an STL-11000M CCD using the Schulman 32-inch RCOS telescope on November 21, 23 & 25 and December 4 & 5, 2012. (471KB)
IC 1396 The Elephant Trunk Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on June 9 & 10 and July 10, 2011. (1MB)
IC 443 Supernova Remnant. An LRGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on November 21 & 22, 2009. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (469KB)
NGC 3372 Eta Carinae. A photo taken from Las Campanas Observatory in Chile with a Nikon F2 camera carried piggyback on a Takahashi FS-78 refractor on October 11, 2013. (1.1MB)
NGC 1333 Reflection Nebula. An LRGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on November 17, 2009. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (68KB) This photo was published in the 2017 Vatican Observatory Calendar.
M16 The Eagle Nebula (276KB) A false color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope in April-May, 2008. This image was published in the Multimedia Gallery on the Astronomy Magazine website.
M57 The Ring Nebula in Lyra (39KB) (August 22, 2008) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.
IC 1805 The Heart Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on December 11 & 13, 2010. (406KB)
IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula. This is an RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. (January 1 & 2, 2012) (570KB)
M42 The Orion Nebula (67KB) A false color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using Ha, OIII, and SII filters. (January 11-15, 2008)
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope. (July 2005) (118KB)
IC 2118 The Witch Head Nebula. (819KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on November 22, 2009. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.
NGC 7048 planetary nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using the Steward Observatory 61-inch telescope on Mount Bigelow. This image was designated by Astronomy Magazine as the "Picture of the Day" for March 22, 2008 and was published in the March 21, 2008 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter. (May 27, 2006) (70KB)
NGC 6894 planetary nebula. (119KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an FLI IMG6303e CCD using the Steward Observatory 61-inch telescope on Mount Bigelow. (May 24, 2007)
NGC 7354 planetary nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (August 24, 2008) (76 KB)
NGC1499 The California Nebula. (1025KB) This is an LRGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. The luminance channel was shot with a hydrogen alpha filter in my backyard. The color data was taken on Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (November 16, 17 & 22, 2009)
The Veil Nebula (607KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on May 28, 29, 30 & 31, 2009, from my backyard using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope and an STL-11000M CCD.
IC434 The Horsehead Nebula. (524KB) This is an LRGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. The luminance channel was shot with a hydrogen alpha filter in my backyard. The color data was taken on Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (November 20 & 21, 2009)
M97 The Owl Nebula (26KB) An LRGB color CCD image assembled from data acquired on three nights in February 2004 with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using an SBIG ST-8E CCD.
NGC 2438 A color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using an Explore Scientific ED152CF refractor. (November 3, 2013) (207KB)
NGC 7000 The North America Nebula (109KB) A 30 minute photo taken on April 16, 1999, using Kodak medium format PRO-100 color negative film. The photo was taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 astrograph. This photograph was published in the 2007 Vatican Observatory Calendar.
Nebula near M78. An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on November 22, 2009. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (144KB)
The Tarantula Nebula. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FS-78 and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (September 2, 2005) (141KB)
M78 reflection nebula (30KB) An RGB CCD image taken with Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and ST-8E. from my backyard.
NGC 6804 planetary nebula. An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on Mount Lemmon. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (April 17, 2008) (50KB)
NGC 7009 The Saturn Nebula (10KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on May 30 & June 1-3, 2005, using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope and ST-8XE.
NGC 2392 The Eskimo Nebula (5KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on January 23, 2005, using a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E.
NGC 2237 The Rosette Nebula (173KB) An LRGB color composite CCD image. The RGB data was taken on December 30, 2008, using a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. The luminance data was taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD on January 29 & 31, 2009.
B263 dark nebula Bernard 263 (83KB) An LRGB color composite CCD image taken at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (September 3, 2005) This image was published in David H. Levy's book entitled Deep Sky Objects: The Best And Brightest From Four Decades Of Comet Chasing, at page 121.
NGC 7293 The Helix Nebula (12KB) (July 15, 2001) An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor.
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on January 18 & 20, 2009. (187KB)
NGC 6992 The Eastern Veil Nebula (387KB) A color composite CCD image taken on June 23, 2001, using a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E.
M8 and M20 Wide angle shot of the Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula (104KB). A 30 minute photo taken on April 15, 1999, with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope, using Kodak PRO 100 meduim format film. The photo was guided using an ST-4 autoguider on an FS-78 guidescope.
NGC 281 The Pacman Nebula (128KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 6-10, 2005)
IC 405 The Flaming Star Nebula (302KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on February 1, 2009, from my backyard using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope and an SBIG ST-8XE CCD.
Rho Ophiuchus Region. A color photograph of the nebulosity in this region of the sky taken with a Nikon SLR camera piggyback using a Nikon 105mm lens. The photograph was taken on Mount Lemmon at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. (May 27-28, 2006) (132KB)
M42 The Orion Nebula (63KB) An unguided photo taken on September 27, 1998, with the Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope.
M27 The Dumbell Nebula (50KB). A tri-color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8 CCD using the Takahashi FS-128 refractor on October 17, 1998.
M1 The Crab Nebula (32KB) An LRGB color composite CCD image taken on November 17, 2001, and October 3, 2002, with an SBIG ST-8E CCD and a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope.
Horsehead and Flame Nebula (55KB) A photo taken on November 11, 1998, with the Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope, using Kodak Pro 100 film.
NGC 7662 The Blue Snowball Nebula. (7KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken from my backyard using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 and ST-8XE (June 19, 2005)
M76 The Little Dumbbell Nebula (53KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on December 22, 2008, using a Takahashi Mewlon 250 and ST-8XE.
NGC 3242 The Ghost of Jupiter Nebula (8KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on December 19, 2004, using a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E.
NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula (432KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken with an ST-8XE on a Takahashi Epsilon 250 on July 2 & 5, 2005.
M17 The Omega Nebula (387KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on May 28, 2009, using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope and an STL-11000M CCD.
NGC 6302 The Bug Nebula. (20KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope at f11.5 and an ST-8XE from my backyard. (May 15 & 30 & June 1, 2005)
IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula (31KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken in June 2003 with a Takahashi FCT-150 using an SBIG ST-8E CCD.
NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on June 13, 2009. (752KB)
NGC6369 The Little Ghost Nebula (16KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on June 4, 2005, using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 and ST-8XE.
Abell 43 planetary nebula. (18KB) An RGB color CCD image taken from my backyard with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope at f11.5 (June 4-11, 2005)
NGC 2438 A color CCD image of the planetary nebula NGC 2438 superimposed on the open star cluster M46 taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and ST-8E CCD. (57KB).
NGC 6960 The Veil Nebula (78KB) A color composite CCD image taken at the Sunglow Ranch using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope. (May 23, 2004)
M8 The Lagoon Nebula (70KB). A 30 minute photo taken on July 5, 1997, with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor, using Kodak Ektapress multispeed 640 color negative film. The photo was guided using an ST-4 autoguider.
NGC 7000 The North America Nebula (555KB) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD.
M17 The Omega Nebula (93KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken on May 22, 2004, using an ST-8E on a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope.
NGC 2024 The Flame Nebula. (62KB) An LRGB CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and hydrogen alpha filter using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor (January 19, 2008)
NGC 1965 nebula in the Large Magellenic Cloud. An RGB color CCD image taken using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor and an ST-8XE CCD at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (Sept. 3, 2005) (60KB)
M42 The Orion Nebula (77KB) A false color CCD image taken on January 21, 2002, with a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E.
B72 The Snake Nebula. (610KB) An RGB color CCD image of a dark nebula taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope. (July 10, 2005)
B86 dark nebula Bernard 86 (142KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E on June 10, 2003 using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor.
NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula and star cluster M52 (242KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M on January 18, 2009, using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor.
M76 The Little Dumbbell Nebula (38KB) (June 15, 2005) An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope.
NGC 3372 Eta Carinae (54KB) (December 22, 1998) A CCD image taken from Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii with an SBIG ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor.
M20 The Trifid Nebula (78KB). An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor on March 22, 1999.
IC 5146 The Cocoon Nebula (430KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 2005)
M16 The Eagle Nebula (60KB) A tri-color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope on May 21, 2004.
M57 The Ring Nebula in Lyra (20KB) (May 14, 2005) An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope.
M42 A color CCD image of the Orion Nebula taken with a Takahashi FS-78 refractor and ST-8E. (174KB).
NGC 6781 planetary nebula. (40KB) An RGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E on April 23, 2005 from my backyard.
The Coalsack dark nebula near the Southern Cross. A piggyback photo taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. (388KB)
NGC 7331 galaxy in Pegasus. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with the 32-inch Schulman Telescope at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter on July 3, 2016. (1.2MB)
LMC. The Large Magellanic Cloud (452KB) A color photo taken using a Nikon F2 camera and a Nikon 105mm lens at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile (October 10, 2013) This photo was published in the 2015 Vatican Observatory Calendar.
NGC 5033 galaxy in Canes Venatici. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter with an STX-16803 CCD using the Schulman 32-inch RCOS telescope on March 26, 2012. (558KB)
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy. An RGB color CCD image taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on November 22, 2009. (740KB)
Arp 94 An LRGB color CCD image of a pair of interacting galaxies in Leo (NGC 3227 and NGC 3226) taken with a 20-inch R-C telescope on the summit of Kitt Peak on March 28, 2004. (55KB). This image was published in the December 2005 issue of Astronomy Magazine at page 86 and again at page 5.
Arp 104 An LRGB color CCD image of a pair of interacting galaxies in Ursa Major (NGC 5216 and NGC 5218) taken with a 20-inch telescope on the summit of Kitt Peak on March 28, 2004 (12KB).
M65 & M66 galaxies in Leo with NGC 3628 (86KB) An LRGB CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on March 11 & 15, 2008.
NGC 4631 The Whale Galaxy (12KB) (March 2004) A color composite LRGB CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from my backyard. (March 17, 18 & 19, 2004) This image was published by Astronomy Magazine on their web site.
M88 galaxy in Coma Berenices (38KB) (May 2003) A color composite LRGB CCD image taken from my backyard with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope.
NGC 772 galaxy. An LRGB color CCD image taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter with an STL-11000M CCD using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on November 21 & 22, 2009. (187KB)
NGC 5775 galaxy group in Virgo (189KB) LRGB color CCD image taken at Kitt Peak with an ST-8E CCD using a Meade 16-inch SCT on May 12, 2002.
NGC 3628 galaxy in Leo (13KB) CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus in March 2004.
M99 galaxy in Coma Berenices. (12KB) (March 14, 15 & 16, 2004) An LRGB CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from my backyard.
M108 galaxy in Ursa Major. (22KB) (April 18-27, 2005) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. This image was designated by Astronomy Magazine as the "Picture of the Day" for May 17, 2005 and published in the May 20, 2005 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter.
NGC 4565 galaxy. This is an RGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on February 12, 2011. (96KB)
M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy. (31KB) An LRGB color CCD image using luminance data taken on April 30, 2006, with an ST-8XE CCD and a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor, and color data taken on December 15, 1998, with an ST-8 CCD and a Takahashi FS-128 refractor.
M83 The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. (81KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 7, 9 & 11, 2006.
NGC 253 The Sculptor Galaxy (77KB). A tri-color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor.
M109 galaxy in Ursa Major (13KB) a color composite LRGB CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on Janurary 1 & 2, 2003.
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy. An LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope on January 29 & 31 and February 2, 2009. (260KB)
M33 The Pinwheel Galaxy (73KB) (June 24 2001). This color CCD image was taken with an ST-8E using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor.
M81 galaxy (24KB) (October 6, 2002). A color composite LRGB CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 250.
M100 galaxy in Coma Berenices. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope on May 23, 2004, using an ST-8E CCD.
M84 and M86 galaxies in the heart of the Virgo galaxy cluster (20KB) (January 13, 15 & 16, 2005) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor with a reducer at f5.9.
NGC 6946 An LRGB color CCD image of a galaxy in Cepheus taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and ST-8E CCD in my backyard. (36KB).
NGC 4565 galaxy. (15KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken from my backyard with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope on June 1, 2005.
M58 galaxy. (22KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 22, 2006)
NGC 891 galaxy in Andromeda (47KB) CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on August 26, 2001.
M82 The Cigar Galaxy (29KB) An LRGB color composite CCD image taken with an ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f8 on November 11, 1998, and with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at f7 on February 2, 2004.
M106 galaxy (80KB) color composite CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus in January 2006.
NGC 5907 galaxy (472KB) A CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 6 & May 5, 2008.
M63 The Sunflower Galaxy (21KB) LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus (f7) on April 30 & May 1-8, 2005.
Arp 297 A CCD image of a pair of interacting galaxies in Bootes (NGC 5754 and NGC 5755) taken with the 90-inch Bok telescope maintained by Steward Observatory on the summit of Kitt Peak. (March 31, 2004) (19KB).
Supernova SN 2005cs discovered in the Whirlpool Galaxy in July 2005 (35KB). This is a CCD image of the supernova taken with Takahashi Epsilon 250 and an ST-8XE at f3.4. (July 4, 2005)
M61 galaxy (150KB) CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on December 30, 2008.
M77 galaxy (151KB) An RGB color image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on December 31, 2008.
M65 & M66 galaxies in Leo (42KB) CCD image taken with an ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on June 12 & 14, 2003.
M104 The Sombrero Galaxy (9KB) LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from my backyard.
M64 The Black-Eye Galaxy (11KB) CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on December 13, 2004.
M101 galaxy (18KB) (January 17 & 18, 2005). An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor with a reducer at f5.9.
SMC The Small Magellanic Cloud (378KB) A color photo taken using a Nikon F2 camera and a Nikon 105mm lens at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile (October 10, 2013)
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy (52KB) (November 1997). A photograph taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor from my observatory near Iola, Texas.
M96 spiral galaxy in Leo (40KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on February 22, 2006.
M90 galaxy. (99 KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on January 11, 12, 14 & 15, 2008.
M60 galaxy. (199 KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on January 18-19, 2008.
NGC 5128 Centaurus A Galaxy (77KB) LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at prime focus (f8) on March 22, 1999.
M49 elliptical galaxy in Virgo (38KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on March 5, 2006. This image was published in the April 2016 issue of Astronomy Magazine, at page 33.
M85 elliptical galaxy in Coma Berenices (101KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 25, 2006.
M89, M90 and M58 and other galaxies in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster (131KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on January 13, 14 & 16, 2008.
SMC. A portion of the the Small Magellanic Cloud (61KB) An RGB color composite CCD image of a region near the core of the SMC taken using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia on September 4, 2005.
LMC. A portion of the Large Magellanic Cloud (60KB) An RGB color composite CCD image of a region of star clusters in the LMC taken using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia on August 31, 2005.
M94 galaxy (23KB) LRGB CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus (f7) on January 5, 2006.
NGC 4567 & NGC 4568 The Siamese Twin Galaxies (9KB) LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at prime focus (f8) on March 21, 1999.
M89 elliptical galaxy in Virgo (110KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on January 13, 14 & 16, 2008.
M31 The Andromeda Galaxy (50KB) (December 15, 2004). An LRGB CCD image using luminance data taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from my backyard, and RGB data from an old photograph taken in 1997.
M110 galaxy in Andromeda (65KB) (October 6, 2002). CCD image taken with an ST-8E using a Takahashi Epsilon 250.
M74 galaxy (19KB) LRGB CCD image taken with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus (f7) on January 1, 2003.
M98 galaxy (42KB) LRGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus. RGB data acquired with an ST-8E CCD on December 31, 2002, and L data acquired with an STL-11000M on January 18, 2009.
M58 barred spiral galaxy in Virgo (22KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 23, 2006.
M87 elliptical galaxy in Virgo (23KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on March 3, 2006.
M91 spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices (40KB) An LRGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 27, 2006.
M95 barred spiral galaxy in Leo (16KB) An RGB color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on April 16, 2006.
Seyfert's Sextet A CCD image of an extremely compact group of six galaxies taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor on March 14, 2004. (6KB).
M105 elliptical galaxy in Leo (25KB) color composite CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor at prime focus on February 18, 2006.
NGC 5905 galaxy (20KB) A CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD and Takahashi FCT-150 on April 6 & May 5, 2008.
M61 galaxy (26KB) CCD image taken with an ST-8 CCD using a Takahashi FS-128 on December 17, 1998.
NGC 7331 The Deer Lick Galaxy Group in Pegasus (37KB) (July 2003) An RGB color CCD image taken from my backyard with an ST-8E CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope.
M13 A color CCD image of the Hercules Star Cluster taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using a 24-inch RCOS telescope on Mount Lemmon. (April 17, 2008) (624KB) This image was published in the June 2009 issue of Astronomy Magazine.
M67 open star cluster. An RGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. (January 1 & 2, 2012) (335KB)
M46 A color CCD image of the open star cluster M46 and planetary nebula NGC 2438 taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E CCD. (March 9 & 11, 2004) (57KB).
M44 The Beehive Star Cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. (December 30 & 31, 2011) (197KB)
M55 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 22, 2006) (153KB)
M45 The Pleiades Star Cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150. (January 18, 2009) (117KB)
M26 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED and STL-11000M CCD. (March 15, 2009) (430KB)
M52 open star cluster and the Bubble Nebula. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using a Takahashi FCT-150. (January 18, 2009) (242KB)
NGC 2244 An RGB color composite CCD image taken from my backyard using a Takahashi FCT-150 and an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (January 18 & 19, 2005) (62KB)
M35 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (February 2, 2006) (41KB)
M41 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (January 27, 2009) (162KB)
NGC 5139 The Omega Centauri globular star cluster. A tri-color CCD image using an SBIG ST-8 taken on a Takahashi FS-128. (March 16, 1999) (106KB)
M4 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image with an SBIG ST-8E taken using a Takahashi FCT-150. (March 25, 2001) (155KB)
M7 Ptolemy's Star Cluster. An RGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. (July 3, 2010) (534KB)
M6 The Butterfly Cluster. A photograph taken with a Mamiya 645AF camera piggyback on a telescope mount. (May 11, 2004) (71KB)
M3 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. (January 23, 2011) (324KB)
M15 globular star cluster. An RGB CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 and an ST-8E CCD from my backyard. (August 10, 2003) (34KB)
M22 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E using a Takahashi FS-128. (July 2, 2000) (121KB)
M11 The Wild Duck star cluster. This RGB color CCD image was taken from my backyard in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a Takahashi FCT-150 using an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (March 20, 2004) (58KB)
NGC 869 & NGC 884 The Perseus Double Cluster of stars. An RGB color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED. (November 22, 2009) (552KB)
47 Tucanae globular star cluster. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FS-78 and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. (Sept. 2 & 4, 2005) (30KB)
M38 open star cluster. A CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (January 5, 2006) (46KB)
M19 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 6, 2006) (153KB)
M14 globular star cluster. An RGB CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 and an ST-8E CCD from my backyard. (April 25, 2004) (30KB)
M5 globular star cluster. An LRGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E CCD. (March 8, 2004) (31KB)
M3 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-78 using an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (January 11, 2004) (80KB)
NGC 4755 The Jewel Box. An RGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FS-78 and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. (September 3, 2005) (39KB)
NGC 6520 open star cluster. An RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E using a Takahashi FCT-150. (June 10, 2003) (142KB)
NGC 2516 The Southern Beehive Star Cluster. An RGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FS-78 and ST-8XE from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (September 3, 2005) (33KB)
M13 The Hercules globular star cluster. An LRGB color CCD image with an SBIG ST-8 taken using a Takahashi FS-128. (September 28, 1998) (49KB)
M103 open star cluster. An RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E using a Takahashi FS-128. (July 16, 2000) (33KB)
M39 open star cluster. A CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 16, 2006) (104KB)
M12 globular star cluster. An LRGB color composite CCD image taken using a Takahashi FCT-150 and ST-8E from my backyard. (April 20, 2005) (65KB)
M37 open star cluster. A color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8 using a Takahashi FCT-150. (February 17, 2001) (89KB)
M10 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (February 25, 2006) (59KB)
M2 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope. (July 13, 2005) (34KB)
M50 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (March 4 and April 10, 2006) (245KB)
M23 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (February 22, 2006) (87KB)
M28 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 8, 2006) (196KB)
M18 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 11, 2006) (154KB)
M9 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 12, 2006) (188KB)
M92 globular star cluster. An LRGB color CCD image with an SBIG ST-8E taken using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor with a reducer at f5.9. (July 9, 2000) (59KB)
M69 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image with an SBIG ST-8E taken using a Takahashi FCT-150. (July 15, 2001) (74KB)
M36 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED. (February 2, 2009) (214KB)
M68 globular star cluster. A color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 7, 2006) (62KB)
M93 open star cluster. A color CCD image taken with an ST-8XE CCD at prime focus using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (December 2, 2007) (329KB)
M7 Ptolemy's Cluster. A photograph taken with a Mamiya 645AF camera piggyback on a telescope mount. (May 11, 2004) (77KB)
M21 open star cluster. A color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 9, 2006) (134KB)
M25 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 27, 2006) (212KB)
M29 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (March 26, 2006) (40KB)
M34 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (July 13, 2005) (48KB)
Christmas Tree Star Cluster An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FS-78. (December 3, 2007) (35KB)
M24 star cloud. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (July 10, 2005) (245KB)
M44 The Beehive Star Cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE at prime focus using a Takahashi FS-78. (November 25, 2007) (32KB)
M48 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (February 19, 2006) (29KB)
M47 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 9, 2006) (37KB)
M53 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (December 31, 2005) (37KB)
M71 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi Epsilon 250. (July 9, 2005) (181KB)
NGC 6811 open star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED and STL-11000M CCD. (June 14, 2009) (463KB)
M107 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (March 3, 2006) (76KB)
M54 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 25, 2006) (113KB)
M56 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (March 8, 2006) (60KB)
M72 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (May 24, 2006) (25KB)
M79 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using a Takahashi FCT-150. (January 12, 16, 18 & 19, 2008) (85KB)
M62 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 6, 2006) (60KB)
M67 open star cluster. A CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8E using a Takahashi FS-78. (January 19, 2004) (30KB)
M41 open star cluster. A color CCD image taken with a Canon EOS 300 Digital Rebel SLR at prime focus using a Takahashi FS-78. (November 26, 2004) (44KB)
M70 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 12, 2006) (181KB)
M75 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (April 16, 2006) (16KB)
M73 group of stars. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FS-78. (December 3, 2007) (70KB)
M80 globular star cluster. An RGB color CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150. (March 5, 2006) (41KB)
The Great American Eclipse An image showing the total eclipse of the
Sun on August 21, 2017, viewed from Madras,
Oregon. (189KB)
Total Eclipse of the Sun (February 26, 1998) (18KB) Total eclipse of the sun viewed from Curacao. Photo taken with a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This photograph was published in the 2008 Vatican Observatory Calendar.
Solar Eclipse - Diamond Ring Effect (February 26, 1998) (13KB) Eclipse of the sun viewed from Curacao taken with a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This photograph was published in the 2006 Vatican Observatory Calendar.
Annular Eclipse of the Sun This is an image of the annular eclipse of the Sun on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR at prime focus of a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This image was published in the 2014 Vatican Observatory Calendar. (48KB)
The Sun viewed with a hydrogen-alpha filter displays a number of solar prominences. This image was taken with a SolarMax 60 telescope and Canon EOS Digital Rebel. (May 13, 2006) (39KB)
Solar prominences during August 21, 2017,
eclipse An image showing prominences on the limb
of the Sun that were visible during the total
eclipse on August 21, 2017. (70KB)
Solar Prominence visible during February 26, 1998, solar eclipse, taken with a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (13KB)
Baily's Beads An image showing the effect known as Baily's
Beads during the total eclipse of the Sun
on August 21, 2017. This image was captured
just after the end of totality. (55KB)
Baily's Beads An image showing the effect known as Baily's
Beads during the total eclipse of the Sun
on August 21, 2017. This image was captured
just before the beginning of totality.(261KB)
Partial eclipse An image showing a partial phase of the
eclipse of the Sun on August 21, 2017. (100KB)
Solar prominences Another image showing prominences on the
limb of the Sun during the total eclipse
on August 21, 2017. (72KB)
Transit of Venus - 2004 A rare transit of Venus across the face of the Sun. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope from Mauritius Island. (June 8, 2004) (37KB) This photograph was published in the 2006 Vatican Observatory Calendar. This image was also published in the June 18, 2004 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter.
Transit of Venus - 2012 This is an image of the June 5, 2012, transit of Venus across the face of the Sun. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR at prime focus of a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. This image was published on the Spaceweather.com website. (101KB)
Total Eclipse of the Moon (May 15, 2003) A photo taken during totality with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f8. (20KB)
Partial Eclipse of the Moon on June 4, 2012. This image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera. (91KB)
Partial Lunar Eclipse (June 26, 2010) This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera using a Canon EF 70-300mm zoom lens. The image was published on Spaceweather.com and on MSNBC. (87KB)
Jupiter. An RGB color CCD image taken with an FLI IMG6303e CCD using the Steward Observatory 61-inch telescope on Mount Bigelow (May 24, 2007) (7KB)
Jupiter was hit by a comet or asteroid on July 19, 2009. This is an image of the dark impact cloud as it appeared on July 28, 2009. This image was taken from my backyard using a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and a ToUcam webcam. (11KB) This image was published on the Spaceweather.com website.
An image of the dark impact cloud on Jupiter after the planet was hit by a comet or asteroid. This image was taken with a webcam using the 24-inch RCOS telescope on Mount Lemmon operated by Adam Block (July 31, 2009) (10KB)
Jupiter This image shows a rare triple shadow transit across Jupiter. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from Kitt Peak, Arizona. (March 28, 2004) (5KB) This image was published in the April 2, 2004 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter.
An image of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter taken using a Takahashi FCT-150 and an ST-8XE CCD. (July 30, 2009) (13KB)
Sunspots on the Sun This image of the Sun was taken on May 20, 2012, after the annular eclipse, and shows three groups of large sunspots that were visible during the partial phases of the eclipse. The image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera using a Canon EF 70-300mm zoom lens and a Baader film solar filter. (35KB)
Mars Mars was 25.1 arc-seconds in size when this image was taken. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 from my backyard. (August 29, 2003) (14KB)
Mars Mars was still 25 arc-seconds in size when these images were taken. This shows six images captured on the same night with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard, with an animation showing the rotation of Mars that night. (August 31, 2003)
Saturn An image of Saturn taken with the 24-inch RCOS telescope on Mt. Lemmon. (April 17, 2008) (12KB)
A rare shadow transit of Saturn's moon Titan across the face of Saturn. A color image taken with a webcam using a 24-inch RCOS telescope at the University of Arizona SkyCenter on Mount Lemmon (February 24, 2009) (119KB)
Neptune and its moon Triton. An RGB color CCD image taken with an FLI IMG6303e CCD using the Steward Observatory 61-inch telescope on Mount Bigelow (May 24, 2007) (9KB) This image was designated by Astronomy Magazine on their website as the "Picture of the Day" for June 2, 2007.
Transit of Mercury An image of the transit of Mercury. Image taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera on a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (November 8, 2006) (57KB)
Uranus This image was taken from my backyard with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and 4x PowerMate using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 29, 2009) (4KB)
The Moon A CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-78 telescope using an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (January 11, 2004) (119KB)
A photograph of a meteor streaking across the sky near a comet. This photograph was taken with a Mamiya 645AF camera piggyback on a telescope mount. (May 22, 2004) (35KB)
Jupiter This image shows the great red spot on Jupitera taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor using a ToUcam webcam. (February 29, 2004) (5KB)
Jupiter This image shows a double shadow transit across Jupiter. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 from my backyard. (March 21, 2004) (4KB)
Partial Eclipse of the Sun This is an image of the Sun at the beginning the annular eclipse on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Takahashi FS-78 refractor using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. (81KB) A larger version of the image is also available. (187KB)
Jupiter An image of Jupiter during a shadow transit of the moon Io. This image was captured with a FCT-150 refractor and ToUcam webcam from my backyard. (January 3, 2004) (15KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 An image of the setting Sun showing the black disk of Venus still in transit across the face of the Sun. This image was taken with the Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera. (70KB)
Jupiter This CCD image shows the shadow of Jupiter's moon Europa transiting the face of the planet, taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope and an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (May 8, 2003) (3KB)
Jupiter A color CCD image of Jupiter taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope using an SBIG ST-8 CCD. (November 28, 1999) (7KB)
Saturn An image of Saturn at opposition. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (January 4, 2004) (14KB)
Saturn An image of Saturn captured with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 from my backyard. (January 3, 2004) (12KB)
Saturn An image of Saturn taken on August 17, 2003, showing the rings at their maximum tilt. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (39KB)
A shadow transit of Saturn's moon Titan across the face of Saturn. A color image taken with a webcam using the 24-inch telescope at the University of Arizona SkyCenter on Mount Lemmon (March 28, 2009) (24KB)
Saturn A color CCD image of Saturn taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope using an SBIG ST-8 CCD. (November 28, 1999) (6KB)
Saturn A photograph taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and Olympus OM-1 SLR camera using Fuji Super G+ 800 film. (September 21, 1998) (7KB)
Mars An image of Mars during its closest approach to Earth in 100,000 years. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (August 28, 2003) (14KB)
Mars Mars was 10 days from closest approach when this image was taken. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (August 17, 2003) (9KB)
Mars Another image of Mars taken on August 17, 2003. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (11KB)
Mars Yet another image of Mars taken on August 17, 2003. This image was captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 from my backyard. (12KB)
Mars Mars was 17 days away from closest approach. Image captured with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a ToUcam webcam in my backyard. (August 10, 2003) (16KB)
Mars Another image taken on August 10, 2003, with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 telescope from my backyard. (12KB)
Mars Only 18 days from closest approach, Mars was 23.7 arc-seconds in size and a brilliant magnitude -2.5 object in the southern sky during the early morning hours. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FCT-150 refractor from my backyard. (August 9, 2003) (4KB)
Mars Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and Takahashi FCT-150 refractor from my backyard. (August 3, 2003) (4KB)
Mars An image of Mars taken with a ToUcam webcam and a Mewlon 210 telescope. (June 20, 2003) (3KB)
Mars Another image of Mars taken with a ToUcam webcam and Mewlon 210 telescope from my backyard. (July 20, 2003) (5KB)
Mars Mars reached a maximum size of 20.2 arc-seconds during the 2005 opposition. It was not as good as 2003, but was the best view we will have of Mars until the year 2018. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (October 30, 2005) (3KB)
Mars Another image of Mars taken on the same night during the 2005 opposition with a ToUcam webcam and a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (October 30, 2005) (3KB)
Mars An RGB CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (June 29, 2001) (6KB)
Mars An RGB CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (April 30, 1999) (4KB)
Mars A photo taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor using eyepiece projection and a 5mm occular in connection with a Nikon F-2 SLR camera and Kodak Elitechrome 100 slide film. (April 21, 1999) (3KB)
Mars A photo taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and a Nikon F-2 SLR camera with Kodak Elitechrome 100 slide film using eyepiece projection and a 5mm occular. (April 21, 1999) (2KB)
Mars A photo taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and a Nikon F-2 SLR camera with Kodak Elitechrome 100 slide film using eyepiece projection and a 5mm occular. (April 21, 1999) (2KB)
Transit of Venus - 2004 Another image of the transit of Venus. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope from Mauritius Island. (June 8, 2004) (46KB)
Transit of Venus - 2004 An image of the initial stage of the transit of Venus. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope from Mauritius Island. (June 8, 2004) (34KB)
Transit of Venus - 2012 This image of the 2012 transit of Venus was taken with a Coronado Instruments SolarMax 60 telescope. (83KB) A larger version of this image is also available. This image was published on the website for Fox 10 News in Phoenix, Arizona, and on the Sky & Telescope website. The image was also published on the website for ABC 15 News in Phoenix, Arizona. (99KB)
Transit of Venus - 2012 This is an image taken near the beginning of the June 5, 2012, transit of Venus, with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera and a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (48KB)
Transit of Venus - 2004 This shows the "black-drop" effect that made it difficult to precisely time the second contact and third contact during a transit of Venus. Images of individual frames captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 from Mauritius Island. (June 8, 2004) (25KB)
Venus appeared as a thin crescent in the evening sky as it approached inferior conjunction with the Sun. This is a color image taken on March 14, 2009, just after sunset using a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and a ToUcam webcam. (61KB)
Venus An CCD image of a crescent Venus taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (March 5, 2001) (3KB)
Venus A mosaic of several images of Venus showing different phases. The images were taken at various times with taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope. (6KB)
Venus An photograph of a near half phase Venus taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor and an Olympus OM-1 SLR camera using Kodak Elitechrome 100 slide film. (April 21, 1999) (5KB)
Venus An CCD image of a nearly full Venus taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (June 19, 2005) (2KB)
Transit of Mercury An image of the transit of Mercury. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope. (November 8, 2006) (14KB)
Transit of Mercury Another image of the transit of Mercury on November 8, 2006. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope. (November 8, 2006) (21KB)
Transit of Mercury An image of the transit of Mercury taken with a hydrogen Alpha filter. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and Coronado SolarMax 60 telescope. (November 8, 2006) (22KB)
Transit of Venus - 2012 This is an image of the June 5, 2012, transit of Venus taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. (104KB)
Mercury Two images of the transit of Mercury on November 8, 2006, with an animation showing the movement of the planet across the face of the Sun. Image captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope. (November 8, 2006) (90KB)
Mercury This photo shows the grazing transit of Mercury across the sun. This photo was taken with a Nikon F2 camera on a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (November 15, 1999) (8KB)
Mercury A CCD image of Mercury when it was 75% illuminated. This image was taken with an SBIG ST-8XE on a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope. (June 19, 2005) (9KB)
Mercury and Venus were in close conjunction and visible in the same telescopic field of view. This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera on a Takahashi FS-78 telescope. (June 27, 2005) (7KB)
Transit of Venus and Mercury comparison A comparison of the relative size of Venus and of Mercury when each planet transits the Sun. The image of the 2004 transit of Venus was captured with a ToUcam webcam and FS-78 telescope from Mauritius Island on June 8, 2004. The image of the transit of Mercury was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera on a Takahashi FS-128 refractor on November 8, 2006.
Uranus This image was taken from my backyard with an SBIG ST-8E CCD on a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope. (May 5, 2003) (3KB)
Neptune This image was taken from my backyard with an SBIG ST-8E CCD on a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope. (May 4, 2003) (3KB)
Pluto CCD images of Pluto taken two days apart with an animation blinking the two images to show how much Pluto moved in two days. These images were taken with an ST-8E CCD from my backyard using a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope. (June 8 & June 10, 2003)
A CCD image of the Moon taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and 4x PowerMate using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 30, 2009) (397KB)
A CCD image of the Moon showing the Apollo 15 landing site taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor and 4x PowerMate using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 30, 2009) (202KB)
A CCD image of the Moon showing the Apollo 17 landing site taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and 4x PowerMate using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (July 30, 2009) (327KB)
The Moon A CCD image taken on January 23, 2011 with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope using an SBIG STL-11000M CCD. (258KB)
The Moon A CCD image taken with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 Dall-Kirkham telescope using an SBIG ST-8 CCD. (November 28, 1999) (57KB)
Moon This is an image of the Triesnecker crater and rille system taken with a ToUcam from my backyard with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope. (July 20, 2003) (30KB)
Moon This is an image of Rima Hyginus taken with a ToUcam webcam from my backyard with a Takahashi Mewlon 210 telescope. (July 20, 2003) (98KB)
Moon This is an image of Mare Orientale taken with a ToUcam webcam from my backyard with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope. (September 20, 2003)
Moon This CCD image of a thin crescent moon shows earthshine illuminating the dark area of the moon. This image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope using an SBIG ST-8E CCD. (May 21, 2004) (8KB)
Moon This is an image of Mare Nectaris and surrounding craters taken with a ToUcam Pro from my backyard with a StarMaster 14.5-inch telescope. (June 3, 2007) (99KB)
Moon A CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED and STL-11000M CCD on June 14, 2009. (33KB)
A CCD image of the Moon showing the south pole and southeast quadrant of the Moon, and including the Apollo 16 landing site, taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope and 4x PowerMate using an SBIG ST-8XE CCD. (340KB)
The Sun just before maximum eclipse This is an image of the Sun taken moments before maximum eclipse during the annular eclipse on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (67KB)
Annular Eclipse of the Sun This is an image of the annular eclipse of the Sun on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR at prime focus of a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This image was published in the Comstock Chronical newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, on May 25, 2012. (60KB)
The Sun just after maximum eclipse This is an image of the Sun taken moments after maximum eclipse during the annular eclipse on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (42KB)
Partial Eclipse of the Sun This is an image of the crescent Sun during the partial phase of the solar eclipse on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Canon EF 70-300mm zoom lens having a Baader solar film filter. (53KB)
Partial Eclipse of the Sun This is a hydrogen-alpha image of the crescent Sun during the partial phase of the solar eclipse on May 20, 2012, taken with a Coronado Instruments SolarMax 60 telescope. (80KB)
Partial Eclipse of the Sun This is a hydrogen-alpha image of the crescent Sun during the partial phase of the solar eclipse on May 20, 2012. The image was taken with a Coronado Instruments SolarMax 60 telescope. (108KB)
Sunspots on the Sun This image of the Sun was taken on May 20, 2012, before the annular eclipse, and shows three groups of large sunspots that were visible during the partial phases of the eclipse. The image was taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR at prime focus of a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (119KB)
The Sun Shows two groups of sun spots. This image was taken with a ToUcam Pro on a Takahashi FS-78 telescope. (August 31, 2003) (30KB)
Asteroid 6 Hebe This is an animation of two images of asteroid 6 Hebe taken on successive nights showing the movement of this object against the background of the stars. The images were taken with an STL-11000M CCD from my backyard with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope. (January 12 & 13, 2008) (57KB)
Airplane crossing the Sun Just as the eclipse of the Sun was ending on May 20, 2012, I caught an airplane crossing the face of the Sun. This series of six images were taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This image was published in the Comstock Chronical newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, on May 25, 2012, and also published on the Spaceweather.com website. (130KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 The transit of Venus was still in progress when the Sun went down behind the Arizona mountains on June 5, 2012. This image was taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. This image was published on the website for Fox 10 News in Phoenix, Arizona. This image was also published on the Sky & Telescope website. (61KB)
Transit of Venus - 2012 This is an image of the June 5, 2012, transit of Venus taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 telescope using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. (167KB)
Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) A color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M using an Explore Scientific ED152CF refractor. (November 3, 2013) (182KB)
Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) made its closest approach to earth on February 24, 2009. This is a color CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. This image was taken at the University of Arizona Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.
Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) was visible in the early morning sky on December 30, 2011. This is an RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. (December 30, 2011) (307KB)
Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) on February 7, 2009. This is an RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. I have a diagram that shows why this comet appears to have two tails. This image was published in the 2010 Vatican Observatory Calendar. This image was featured in a story published by the St. Louis Beacon entitled, "Comet Lulin Makes a Unique Appearance." This image was also published in the photo gallery on the Anacortes Telescope & Wild Bird website. The image was used to illustrate a story in Ciência Hoje das Crianças, which is a magazine in Brazil that teaches science to children. The image was used by the Maynard F. Jordan Planetarium at the University of Maine.
Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) Image taken before dawn on the morning of January 27, 2009. This is an RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE CCD using a Takahashi Epsilon 180ED telescope. (January 27, 2009) (165KB) This image was featured in a news story published by MSNBC entitled, "Newfound Comet Lulin to Grace Night Skies." It was also published on the Spaceweather.com website. This image was used in the Google Earth planisphere site, and on the Cosmic Visibility website. This image was also published in the photo gallery for the Anacortes Telescope & Wild Bird website. The image was published in a Night Sky Columnist article on SPACE.com.
Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) This image was taken as Comet Lulin appeared low the southeast just before dawn, shortly after the comet emerged from swinging around behind the Sun. The comet was on its way to a close approach with earth on February 24, 2009. This is an RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG STL-11000M CCD using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (January 18, 2009) (125KB)
Comet 17P/Holmes An RGB color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. (November 25, 2007) (53KB) This image was published on the website for Spaceweather.com.
Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 A color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (April 30, 2006) (60KB)
Comet C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski) A color composite CCD image taken with an SBIG ST-8XE using a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. This image was published on the Astronomy Magazine website and featured in the Astronomy Magazine weekly email newsletter. (March 5, 2006) (13KB)
Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi Epsilon 250 telescope at f3.4. (May 21, 2004) (23KB)
Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) A photograph taken with a Mamiya 645AF using a 45mm lens (May 22, 2004) (28KB)
Comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (February 2, 2004) (17KB) This image was published by Astronomy Magazine on their web site.
Comet Hale-Bopp The great comet of 1997. This photograph was taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at prime focus. (May 4, 1997) (23KB)
Comet Hale-Bopp A photograph taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f5.9. (April 8, 1997) (11KB)
Comet Hale-Bopp A photograph taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f8. This was one of my first attempts at astrophotography. (April 8, 1997) (17KB)
Comet C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (November 17, 2001) (65KB)
Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (January 13, 2005) (46KB)
Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (December 14, 2004) (28KB)
Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (June 30, 2001) (30KB)
Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) A color composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (July 15, 2001) (28KB)
Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) A composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor. (June 30, 2001) (54KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A CCD image of the comet passing near a triple star. This is a CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f8. (July 2, 2000) (32KB)
Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 broke into fragments, and this CCD image shows two of the fragments. This image was taken with an IMG6303E CCD and a Nikon 35mm lens. (April 30, 2006) (171KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 2, 2000) (25KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A color CCD image of the comet taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 2, 2000) (25KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 15, 2000) (58KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A color CCD image of the comet taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 15, 2000) (76KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A composite CCD image taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 21, 2000) (44KB)
Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) A color CCD image of the comet taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor. (July 21, 2000) (21KB)
Arizona Sunset on July 22, 2016. The distant rain clouds
created a spectacular display at sunset.
Arizona Sunset on July 19, 2017. (604KB)
Star Trails at Kitt Peak A photo of star trails over the Mayall 4-Meter Telescope on Kitt Peak. This photo was taken with a Nikon F2 camera using a 35mm lens. (March 30, 2004) (173KB)
The Aurora Borealis in Alaska. This photo shows multiple green curtains. (March 1, 2003) (27KB)
Airplane crossing the Sun Just as the eclipse of the Sun was ending on May 20, 2012, I caught an airplane crossing the face of the Sun. This series of six images were taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This image was published in the Comstock Chronical newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, on May 25, 2012, and also published on the Spaceweather.com website. (130KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 An image of the setting Sun showing the black disk of Venus still in transit across the face of the Sun. This image was taken with the Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera. (70KB)
The Milky Way in Cygnus. A piggyback photo taken on July 15, 2001. (175KB)
The Aurora Borealis This photo shows the red glow of atomic oxygen at the top of the green curtain. (March 1, 2003) (31KB)
Noctilucent Clouds An image of the smoke trail left by the launch of the Phoenix Mars Mission on the morning of August 4, 2007. (171KB) This image was published by spaceweather.com and also appeared on the website for the Phoenix Mars Mission. Image taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera using an 18-55mm zoom lens from Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Arizona Sunset Beautiful rays emanate from the setting sun. This photo was taken with an iPhone 4 from my backyard in Scottsdale, Arizona. (June 28, 2011) (254KB)
The MMT Telescope on Mount Hopkins Looking like something out of Star Wars, this image of the MMT Telescope shows an impressive multiple laser beam used for adaptive optics. (May 21, 2006) (34KB)
The Aurora Borealis This aurora photo shows a bright green "Y" shaped curtain. (March 2, 2003) (28KB)
The Aurora Borealis The Aurora Borealis in Corona Borealis. (March 2, 2003) (30KB)
Atlas V Rocket Launch Photo of the launch of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
on September September 8, 2016. Image taken
from Cape Canaveral, Florida, using a Canon
EOS Digital Rebel camera with a 300mm telephoto
lens. (606KB)
Delta II Rocket Launch Photo of the night launch of the Phoenix Mars Mission on August 4, 2007. (82KB) This image was published on the website for the Phoenix Mars Mission. The image was designated by Astronomy Magazine as the "Picture of the Day" for August 8, 2007 and was published in the August 10, 2007 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter. Image taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera using a 300mm lens from Cocoa Beach, Florida.
The Constellation Orion A photo taken with a Nikon F2 camera from Kitt Peak. (139KB)
The Belt of Venus and Full Moon This image was taken just before sunrise. A full moon appears just above the pinkish anti-twilight band of the Belt of Venus. (January 11, 2009) (55KB)
The Aurora Borealis This photo shows a very green aurora curtain. (March 1, 2003) (70KB)
The Aurora Borealis Multiple green rayed curtains. (March 1, 2003) (34KB)
The Aurora Borealis This was one of my first aurora photos. (February 28, 2003) (35KB)
The Milky Way in Sagittarius. A photograph taken with a Takahashi FCT-76 refractor on May 13, 2004. (211KB)
The Twilight Wedge This image of earth's shadow was taken just before sunrise, and a full moon appears just above the dark blue twilight wedge. (January 11, 2009) (22KB)
Arizona Sunset City lights sparkle beneath a colorful sunset on December 8, 2008. (51KB)
Partial Lunar Eclipse This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. The image shows the partially eclipsed moon in the twilight wedge at dawn. This image was published on Spaceweather.com and on MSNBC. (June 26, 2010) (185KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 The transit of Venus was still in progress when the Sun went down behind the Arizona mountains on June 5, 2012. This image was taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. This image was published on the website for Fox 10 News in Phoenix, Arizona. (61KB)
Venus, Jupiter & Mercury on May 27, 2013. This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. This image shows Venus, Jupiter and Mercury forming a triangle in the evening sky after sunset. (214KB)
Saturn, Mars, Regulus and the Crescent Moon line up to put on a show July 5, 2008. (72KB)
A close up view of the July 5, 2008 planetary alignment shows the contrast in color between Saturn, Mars and Regulus; and you can also see features on the dark side of the Moon illuminated by earthshine. (122KB)
Thin Crescent Moon and Venus The Moon was 29 hours old when these images were taken. (June 7, 2005) (100KB)
Venus and Saturn Conjunction A photograph taken with a Nikon F2 camera using a 35mm lens piggyback on a telescope mount. This image was published in the July 2007 issue of Astronomy Magazine at page 44. (July 15, 2001) (39KB)
Mercury and the Crescent Moon on May 6, 2008. (39KB)
Venus and Saturn Conjunction on June 30, 2007. Images taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Hillsdale, Michigan. (75KB)
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction on February 16, 2010. Images taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. This image was published on the Spaceweather.com website. (153KB)
Sagittarius Star Cloud A photo taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor using a reducer at f5.9. (July 8, 1997) (76KB)
The Southern Cross A piggyback photo taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. (388KB)
The Southern Milky Way shows the Eta Carinae Nebula. A piggyback photo taken with a Nikon F2 camera from Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii. (82KB)
Arizona Sunset This is typical of the beautiful sunsets that we get from my backyard almost every day. (June 2003) (13KB)
Arizona Sunset Occasionally we actually get a cloud in the Arizona desert. This shot shows the sun perfectly lined up with the only cloud in the sky. (June 2003) (23KB)
Arizona Sunset On those rare days when we have clouds, the sunsets can be spectacular. (June 2003) (38KB)
Arizona Sunset Another photo taken on June 23, 2011, showing rays emanating from the setting sun. (June 28, 2011) (289KB)
Arizona Sunrise We sometimes get treated to a beautiful crimson sunrise. (January 2004) (32KB)
Arizona Rainbow This photo of a rainbow was taken with an iPhone 4 from my driveway in Scottsdale, Arizona. (February 20, 2011) (408KB)
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