NGC 869 and NGC 884

NGC 869 and NGC 884

The Perseus Double Cluster of Stars

The Perseus double cluster is a rich pair of open star clusters that are a spectacular sight even in binoculars. The cluster on the left in the above photo is NGC 869, a magnitude 5.3 open cluster of about 200 stars about 29 arcminutes in diameter. The cluster on the right in the above photo is NGC 884, a magnitude 6.1 open cluster of about 115 stars, having a size of about 29 arcminutes in diameter. North is down in this photo. Recent measurements have confirmed that these two clusters truely are twins. Both clusters are the same distance from us, and both are about the same age.

This is a 20 minute guided exposure using hypered Kodak PPF 400 film at prime focus on a Takahashi FS-128 refractor at f8. Guiding was accomplished with an SBIG ST-4 autoguider on a Takahashi FS-78 guidescope with a Takahashi Vari-Extender to lengthen the focal length of the guidescope.

NGC 869
RA: 02h 19.0m Dec: +57d 09'

NGC 884
RA: 02h 22.4m Dec: +57d 07'
Constellation: Perseus

October 5, 1997
Photo by Sid Leach
Iola, Texas

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