Arizona Sunset on July 22, 2016. The distant rain clouds
created a spectacular display at sunset.
Arizona Sunset on July 19, 2017. (604KB)
Star Trails at Kitt Peak A photo of star trails over the Mayall 4-Meter Telescope on Kitt Peak. This photo was taken with a Nikon F2 camera using a 35mm lens. (March 30, 2004) (173KB)
The Aurora Borealis in Alaska. This photo shows multiple green curtains. (March 1, 2003) (27KB)
Airplane crossing the Sun Just as the eclipse of the Sun was ending on May 20, 2012, I caught an airplane crossing the face of the Sun. This series of six images were taken with a Canon Digital Rebel SLR using a Takahashi FS-78 refractor. This image was published in the Comstock Chronical newspaper in Virginia City, Nevada, on May 25, 2012, and also published on the website. (130KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 An image of the setting Sun showing the black disk of Venus still in transit across the face of the Sun. This image was taken with the Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR camera. (70KB)
The Milky Way in Cygnus. A piggyback photo taken on July 15, 2001. (175KB)
The Aurora Borealis This photo shows the red glow of atomic oxygen at the top of the green curtain. (March 1, 2003) (31KB)
Noctilucent Clouds An image of the smoke trail left by the launch of the Phoenix Mars Mission on the morning of August 4, 2007. (171KB) This image was published by and also appeared on the website for the Phoenix Mars Mission. Image taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera using an 18-55mm zoom lens from Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Arizona Sunset Beautiful rays emanate from the setting sun. This photo was taken with an iPhone 4 from my backyard in Scottsdale, Arizona. (June 28, 2011) (254KB)
The MMT Telescope on Mount Hopkins Looking like something out of Star Wars, this image of the MMT Telescope shows an impressive multiple laser beam used for adaptive optics. (May 21, 2006) (34KB)
The Aurora Borealis This aurora photo shows a bright green "Y" shaped curtain. (March 2, 2003) (28KB)
The Aurora Borealis The Aurora Borealis in Corona Borealis. (March 2, 2003) (30KB)
Atlas V Rocket Launch Photo of the launch of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
on September September 8, 2016. Image taken
from Cape Canaveral, Florida, using a Canon
EOS Digital Rebel camera with a 300mm telephoto
lens. (606KB)
Delta II Rocket Launch Photo of the night launch of the Phoenix Mars Mission on August 4, 2007. (82KB) This image was published on the website for the Phoenix Mars Mission. The image was designated by Astronomy Magazine as the "Picture of the Day" for August 8, 2007 and was published in the August 10, 2007 issue of the Astronomy Magazine Newsletter. Image taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera using a 300mm lens from Cocoa Beach, Florida.
The Constellation Orion A photo taken with a Nikon F2 camera from Kitt Peak. (139KB)
The Belt of Venus and Full Moon This image was taken just before sunrise. A full moon appears just above the pinkish anti-twilight band of the Belt of Venus. (January 11, 2009) (55KB)
The Aurora Borealis This photo shows a very green aurora curtain. (March 1, 2003) (70KB)
The Aurora Borealis Multiple green rayed curtains. (March 1, 2003) (34KB)
The Aurora Borealis This was one of my first aurora photos. (February 28, 2003) (35KB)
The Milky Way in Sagittarius. A photograph taken with a Takahashi FCT-76 refractor on May 13, 2004. (211KB)
The Twilight Wedge This image of earth's shadow was taken just before sunrise, and a full moon appears just above the dark blue twilight wedge. (January 11, 2009) (22KB)
Arizona Sunset City lights sparkle beneath a colorful sunset on December 8, 2008. (51KB)
Partial Lunar Eclipse This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. The image shows the partially eclipsed moon in the twilight wedge at dawn. This image was published on and on MSNBC. (June 26, 2010) (185KB)
Sunset during the transit of Venus - 2012 The transit of Venus was still in progress when the Sun went down behind the Arizona mountains on June 5, 2012. This image was taken with a Takahashi FCT-150 refractor using a Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. This image was published on the website for Fox 10 News in Phoenix, Arizona. (61KB)
Venus, Jupiter & Mercury on May 27, 2013. This image was taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. This image shows Venus, Jupiter and Mercury forming a triangle in the evening sky after sunset. (214KB)
Saturn, Mars, Regulus and the Crescent Moon line up to put on a show July 5, 2008. (72KB)
A close up view of the July 5, 2008 planetary alignment shows the contrast in color between Saturn, Mars and Regulus; and you can also see features on the dark side of the Moon illuminated by earthshine. (122KB)
Thin Crescent Moon and Venus The Moon was 29 hours old when these images were taken. (June 7, 2005) (100KB)
Venus and Saturn Conjunction A photograph taken with a Nikon F2 camera using a 35mm lens piggyback on a telescope mount. This image was published in the July 2007 issue of Astronomy Magazine at page 44. (July 15, 2001) (39KB)
Mercury and the Crescent Moon on May 6, 2008. (39KB)
Venus and Saturn Conjunction on June 30, 2007. Images taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Hillsdale, Michigan. (75KB)
Venus and Jupiter Conjunction on February 16, 2010. Images taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Scottsdale, Arizona. This image was published on the website. (153KB)
Sagittarius Star Cloud A photo taken with a Takahashi FS-128 refractor using a reducer at f5.9. (July 8, 1997) (76KB)
The Southern Cross A piggyback photo taken with a Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. (388KB)
The Southern Milky Way shows the Eta Carinae Nebula. A piggyback photo taken with a Nikon F2 camera from Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii. (82KB)
Arizona Sunset This is typical of the beautiful sunsets that we get from my backyard almost every day. (June 2003) (13KB)
Arizona Sunset Occasionally we actually get a cloud in the Arizona desert. This shot shows the sun perfectly lined up with the only cloud in the sky. (June 2003) (23KB)
Arizona Sunset On those rare days when we have clouds, the sunsets can be spectacular. (June 2003) (38KB)
Arizona Sunset Another photo taken on June 23, 2011, showing rays emanating from the setting sun. (June 28, 2011) (289KB)
Arizona Sunrise We sometimes get treated to a beautiful crimson sunrise. (January 2004) (32KB)
Arizona Rainbow This photo of a rainbow was taken with an iPhone 4 from my driveway in Scottsdale, Arizona. (February 20, 2011) (408KB)
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